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To open files with nano or vim run the scripts with php -d disable_functions=''


<path> - Define the path of the file or directory to scan


--auto-clean - Auto clean code (without confirmation, use with caution)
--auto-clean-line - Auto clean line code (without confirmation, use with caution)
--auto-delete - Auto delete infected (without confirmation, use with caution)
--auto-prompt <prompt> - Set auto prompt command .
ex. --auto-prompt="delete" or --auto-prompt="1" (alias of auto-delete)
--auto-quarantine - Auto quarantine
--auto-skip - Auto skip
--auto-whitelist - Auto whitelist (if you sure that source isn't compromised)
--backup|-b - Make a backup of every touched files
--defs - Get default definitions exploit and functions list
--defs-exploits - Get default definitions exploits list
--defs-functions - Get default definitions functions lists
--defs-functions-encoded - Get default definitions functions encoded lists
--disable-cache|--no-cache - Disable Cache
--disable-checksum|--no-checksum|--no-verify - Disable checksum verifying for platforms/frameworks
--disable-colors|--no-colors|--no-color - Disable CLI colors
--disable-report|--no-report - Disable report generation
--exploits <exploits> - Filter exploits
--filter-paths|--filter-path <paths> - Filter path/s, for multiple value separate with comma.
Wildcards are enabled ex. /path/*/htdocs or /path/*.php
--functions <functions> - Define functions to search
--help|-h|-? - Check only functions and not the exploits
--ignore-paths|--ignore-path <paths> - Ignore path/s, for multiple value separate with comma.
Wildcards are enabled ex. /path/*/cache or /path/*.log
--limit <limit> - Set file mapping limit
--lite|-l - Running on lite mode help to have less false positive on WordPress and others
platforms enabling exploits mode and removing some common exploit pattern
--log <path> - Write a log file on the specified file path
[default: ./scanner.log]
--max-filesize <filesize> - Set max filesize to scan
[default: -1]
--offset <offset> - Set file mapping offset
--only-exploits|-e - Check only exploits and not the functions
--only-functions|-f - Check only functions and not the exploits
--only-signatures|-s - Check only functions and not the exploits.
This is recommended for WordPress or others platforms
--path-backups <path> - Set backups path directory.
Is recommended put files outside the public document path
[default: /scanner-backups/]
--path-logs <path> - Set quarantine log file
[default: ./scanner.log]
--path-quarantine <path> - Set quarantine path directory.
Is recommended put files outside the public document path
[default: ./scanner-quarantine/]
--path-report <path> - Set report log file path and name.
Note that name will be appended with .log or .html extension.
[default: ./scanner-report.html]
--path-whitelist <path> - Set whitelist file
[default: ./scanner-whitelist.json]
--report-format <format> - Report format (html|txt)
--report|-r - Report scan only mode without check and remove malware (like --auto-skip).
It also write a report with all malware paths found
--scan-all|--all - Check all files, regardless of extension
--silent - No output and prompt
--update|-u - Update to last version
--version|-v - Get version number
--whitelist-only-path - Check on whitelist only file path and not line number